Ace wins the award for being the most adaptable, do-anything-for-love dog at the shelter. Until he arrived there, 65-pound Pyrenees-white Ace had been living with his owner in a car. Of course, Ace, being a dog, feeling unconditional love for his person, didn’t mind, even if it would have been nice to stretch his legs occasionally.

All Ace wanted was to be with his person. She felt the same way about being with Ace. That’s why they were sleeping in the car. Ace, who’s sweet and mannerly, was too big for the places that his person could rent.

However, eventually his person realized that Ace deserved better. After knowing Ace, the shelter staff agrees. They call him their ready-to-please blockhead, a 65 pound-package of love.


Americans start businesses. That’s good, unless the business hurts or kills someone. Harry, a nine-week-old, Border Collie – Australian Shepherd puppy, is suffering because his owners’ decided to produce and sell puppies. During the pandemic, lonely people snapped up puppies. Not now. When no buyers came, Harry’s people carried him and his five siblings into the shelter.

The shelter staff told the owners that every shelter kennel was full, that dogs could die to make space. The staff suggested that maybe the people could wait just a little while longer to get rid of the puppies. Harry watched his people leave.

Harry’s people were right about one thing. Harry is adorable. He should capture a heart, before it’s too late, before he’s merely someone’s business loss.


Nine-week-old Agnes, Harry’s sister, doesn’t look like her siblings. Agnes’s coat is blond, a color that shows up as only highlights in the others’ coats. Still, the little girl has the extraordinary traits people anticipate in Border Collie – Aussie mixes. She’s intelligent, alert and full of energy. She’s a little girl looking for her purpose.

Agnes comes from ancestors meant to work with their person, to herd sheep or, now, go on adventures together. Just because Agnes is soft and fluffy doesn’t mean that she’s meant to be a couch potato. Agnes will be an exercise machine with fur.

Agnes wants to be a companion, one who analyzes and thinks. People who’ve loved dogs like Agnes know what it means to have a best friend.


Little 15-pound, 12-week-old Jazz looks puzzled. He has a reason to be. Just one month ago, Jazz was in the shelter, but briefly. When people saw his adorable face and realized that he was going to be lap-sized, they started calling, wanting him. The earliest responder won. Jazz went home. It seemed that Jazz had won, too.

Now Jazz is back. His adopters said that their situation changed. Jazz didn’t fail, but he doesn’t know that. Jazz knows only that he loves people, and then they go away. Maybe they forget Jazz, but he doesn’t forget them.

Still, Jazz is young and puppies are meant to love. Maybe someone else who wanted him or someone new will show Jazz that it’s safe to love unconditionally.


Rip, a friendly, six-month-old mixture, was another unlucky pup who began as someone’s idea of a way to make some extra money. Rip’s people knew that their Labrador was a wonderful dog. So was their Boxer. They decided to breed the two and sell puppies. The breeding worked and wonderful puppies were born. However, no one bought them.

Now the poor failed business venture, Rip, is discarded at the shelter. Maybe that’s because Mother Nature decided to combine the two breeds in a unique, smile-producing way. Someone needs to meet Rip to appreciate his adorable looks.

More importantly, someone needs to meet Rip to realize just how perfectly he’s inherited all the sweet, loving qualities that made his Labrador parent and his Boxer one special.

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